Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Can we prevent HIV virus with vaccine?

Some HIV infected cells don't start producing viral proteins or release viruses for years after they are infected, because there are no external signs that the cells are infected, HIV can essentially hide out in these cells, avoiding attact by the immune system.

 The molecules on the surface of HIV are  difficult for the immune system to recognize HIV surface protein because they are covered in sugar molecules that would normally be found in the hos't body which shields them from recognition by the immune system. Similiar to other molecules found in the body, so the immune system will not generate antibodies that recognize them.

Regions of HIV that could be recognized by the immune system are hidden. The proses are in the protein complex is made up of petals that open up to reveal a key to unlock the immune cell. This key is only exponsed for a short time before the petals close back over it. This is means the immune sytem is unable to identifity the HIV particle as a threat.

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